A Migraine is a type of headache that comes and goes. They can last anywhere from 12-72 hours. They can build up over about 4 hours. Eventually it will feel like a single side of the head is pulsing or throbbing. Rarely will a migraine always affect the exact same spot or side of a persons head. Each individual headache will rarely shift from one side to the other once started though. This can be accompanied by vomiting and/or nausea. Many times, it will be preceded by an aura. Auras are visual or auditory changes such as; flashing lights, dark spots in your vision, blurry vision, high pitch sounds, changes in hearing. An aura can also have numbness of the arms and legs (rare).
If you think you have a migraine then getting to a chiropractor would be the best next step.
How does Chiropractic help?
Going a little deeper into the science behind a migraine, there are a few parts of the brain and neck that once irritated lead to migraines. Depressing both blood flow and neurological activity in the brain has been linked to increased rates of migraines. A person is suffering from excessive inflammation in the upper cervical region due to reduced motion in the spine can have bothe decreased blood flow and neurological activity. This leads to an increased input of pain signals. The end result is your migraine.
So what does this mean? If you're building up inflammation in the head and neck due to poor motion in areas, then you're sending bad signals to the brain. These signals leave you more susceptible to migraines.
By getting adjusted, you're reducing the inflammation by increasing the motion. This results is less pain. This is why so many people get results or relief from their migraines with chiropractic care. If this is not the cause then addressing other lifestyle, diet, and exercise factors may be necessary.