Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is common in back pain sufferers. It is seen more frequently athletes, physically demanding jobs, and elderly. Spinal stenosis may be in the neck, mid-back or low back. There are generally 2 types injury related or degenerative.
Spinal stenosis may cause just back or neck pain as well as accompanying arm pain or leg pain, numbness, or tingling. In the worst cases it can even create muscle weakness and atrophy.
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the space that the spinal chord and/or nerves travel.
​Chiropractic and Cox Technique can help alleviate the pain and discomfort by...​​
Increasing the space for the spinal chord and nerves
taking tension off the nerves
reducing the amount of damaged tissue in the area
reducing the amount of inflammation in the area
improving movement
allowing the muscles to work properly
allowing the body to heal optimally
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